quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2008
terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2008
Painting Exhibition at Embassy - Student of Portuguese Language presents her work

2008 01 29 – 02 29 Embaixada de Portugal,
VilniusPortugalijos ambasada, Vilnius
VilniusPortugalijos ambasada, Vilnius
“Kas tikra ar nuoširdu - visada sugrįžta”
Prieš daug metu lankiau dailės mokykla ir visur piešdavau arklius. Vėliau tai tarsi pamiršau kol vėl prieš 3 metus neatradau iš naujo – Kinijoje.Reikėjo nuskristi ten, kad supažindintų su daug nuostabių žmonių ir bendraminčių gyvenančių čia pat – Vilniuje.
Visi piešiniai ant kiniško šilko ar popieriaus.Kai kurie iš jų jau dalyvavo Vilniuje vykusiose parodose 2005 ir 2006 metais, o kai kuriems čia pirmas pasirodymas. Kaip ir man – pirma mano asmeninė paroda. Ačiū visiems manimi patikėjusiems ir padėjusiems suorganizuoti parodėlę, taip pat visiems panorusiems ir radusiems laiko ją aplankyti!
Kiekvienas piešinys turi savo istoriją ir mane kažko išmokė. Esu laiminga pasidalindama tuo su Jumis.
Prieš daug metu lankiau dailės mokykla ir visur piešdavau arklius. Vėliau tai tarsi pamiršau kol vėl prieš 3 metus neatradau iš naujo – Kinijoje.Reikėjo nuskristi ten, kad supažindintų su daug nuostabių žmonių ir bendraminčių gyvenančių čia pat – Vilniuje.
Visi piešiniai ant kiniško šilko ar popieriaus.Kai kurie iš jų jau dalyvavo Vilniuje vykusiose parodose 2005 ir 2006 metais, o kai kuriems čia pirmas pasirodymas. Kaip ir man – pirma mano asmeninė paroda. Ačiū visiems manimi patikėjusiems ir padėjusiems suorganizuoti parodėlę, taip pat visiems panorusiems ir radusiems laiko ją aplankyti!
Kiekvienas piešinys turi savo istoriją ir mane kažko išmokė. Esu laiminga pasidalindama tuo su Jumis.
Tudo o que é verdadeiro e sincero, volta sempre…
Há muitos anos frequentei uma escola de artes onde desenhava cavalos por todo o lado... Acabei por perder este hábito, mas mais tarde, há cerca de 3 anos, quando visitei a China, a pintura regressou à minha vida...
Foi preciso ir à China para me encontrar com pessoas maravilhosas que vivem em Vilnius. Agora partilho com elas o interesse pela arte chinesa.
Todas as pinturas apresentadas são em seda ou papel da China. Algumas foram já apresentadas em exposições, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006, em Vilnius.Alguns quadros estou a apresentá-los pela primeira vez, e também para mim é a primeira vez que faço uma exposição individual.Quero agradecer a todos que confiaram em mim e que ajudaram a organizar esta exposição. Igualmente pretendo agradecer a todos os quiseram e tiveram tempo para a visitar.
Cada pintura tem a sua história e lembra-me sempre alguma coisa… Partilho agora essas lembranças convosco.
Há muitos anos frequentei uma escola de artes onde desenhava cavalos por todo o lado... Acabei por perder este hábito, mas mais tarde, há cerca de 3 anos, quando visitei a China, a pintura regressou à minha vida...
Foi preciso ir à China para me encontrar com pessoas maravilhosas que vivem em Vilnius. Agora partilho com elas o interesse pela arte chinesa.
Todas as pinturas apresentadas são em seda ou papel da China. Algumas foram já apresentadas em exposições, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006, em Vilnius.Alguns quadros estou a apresentá-los pela primeira vez, e também para mim é a primeira vez que faço uma exposição individual.Quero agradecer a todos que confiaram em mim e que ajudaram a organizar esta exposição. Igualmente pretendo agradecer a todos os quiseram e tiveram tempo para a visitar.
Cada pintura tem a sua história e lembra-me sempre alguma coisa… Partilho agora essas lembranças convosco.

Surgiu um novo blogue que pretende dar a conhecer a língua portuguesa e culturas lusófonas nos países nórdicos através do trabalho realizado por professores e alunos nas diversas universidades. Aqui podes aceder a diversa informação relativa à actividade dos professores e alunos de Português na Noruega, Suécia, Finlândia, Estónia e Lituânia.
sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2008
"The Art of Azulejo in Portugal" - Opening day in Kaunas

About 60 persons were present in the Opening Ceremony at Kaunas Library.
The event did begin with short concert of classical music, performed by two Lithuanians students of Music Academy.
After the speeches of
the Deputy Governor of Kaunas County, Zigmantas Kazakevičius,
the Vice Mayor of Kaunas, Stanislovas Buškevičius,
the Embassador of Portugal, António Tânger Corrêa,
the Director of Kaunas District Public Library, Asta Naudžiūnienė,
and the Director of Kaunas Europe Direct Centre, Rasa Mickutė
the guests visited the exhibition, having like cicerone the Ambassador of Portugal.
The event finished with the presentation of a movie about Portugal, the taste of Portuguese wine and the sound of a jazz duet.
The event did begin with short concert of classical music, performed by two Lithuanians students of Music Academy.
After the speeches of
the Deputy Governor of Kaunas County, Zigmantas Kazakevičius,
the Vice Mayor of Kaunas, Stanislovas Buškevičius,
the Embassador of Portugal, António Tânger Corrêa,
the Director of Kaunas District Public Library, Asta Naudžiūnienė,
and the Director of Kaunas Europe Direct Centre, Rasa Mickutė
the guests visited the exhibition, having like cicerone the Ambassador of Portugal.
The event finished with the presentation of a movie about Portugal, the taste of Portuguese wine and the sound of a jazz duet.
Portuguese Language Courses - ONLINE!
domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2008
Azulejos - Definition

The azulejos are a typical form of Portuguese or Spanish painted, tin-glazed, ceramic tilework. They have become a typical aspect of Portuguese culture, manifesting without interruption during five centuries the consecutive trends in art.
Wherever one goes in Portugal, azulejos are to be found inside and outside churches, palaces, ordinary houses and even train stations or subway stations. They constitute a major aspect of Portuguese architecture as they are applied on walls, floors and even ceilings. They were not only used as an ornamental art form, but also had a specific functional capacity like temperature control at homes. Many azulejos chronicle major historical and cultural aspects of Portuguese history.
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azulejo
Other sites:
www.oazulejo.net ,
Wherever one goes in Portugal, azulejos are to be found inside and outside churches, palaces, ordinary houses and even train stations or subway stations. They constitute a major aspect of Portuguese architecture as they are applied on walls, floors and even ceilings. They were not only used as an ornamental art form, but also had a specific functional capacity like temperature control at homes. Many azulejos chronicle major historical and cultural aspects of Portuguese history.
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azulejo
Other sites:
www.oazulejo.net ,
quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2008
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008

Alberto Caeiro was Pessoa's first great heteronym; summarized by Pessoa, writing: "He sees things with the eyes only, not with the mind. He does not let any thoughts arise when he looks at a flower... the only thing a stone tells him is that it has nothing at all to tell him... this way of looking at a stone may be described as the totally unpoetic way of looking at it. The stupendous fact about Caeiro is that out of this sentiment, or rather, absence of sentiment, he makes poetry."
What this means, and what makes Caeiro such an original poet is the way he apprehends existence. He does not question anything whatsoever; he calmly accepts the world as it is. The recurrent themes to be found in nearly all of Caeiro's poems are "wide-eyed child-like wonder at the infinite variety of nature", as noted by a critic. He is free of metaphysical entanglements. Central to his world-view is the idea that in the world around us, all is surface: things are precisely what they seem, there is no hidden meaning anywhere.
He manages thus to free himself from the anxieties that batter his peers; for Caeiro, things simply exist and we have no right to credit them with more than that. Our unhappiness, he tells us, springs from our unwillingness to limit our horizons. As such, Caeiro attains happiness by not questioning, and by thus avoiding doubts and uncertainties. He apprehends reality solely through his eyes, through his senses. What he teaches us is that if we want to be happy we ought to do the same. Octavio Paz called him "the innocent poet". Paz made a shrewd remark on the heteronyms: "In each are particles of negation or unreality. Reis believes in form, Campos in sensation, Pessoa in symbols. Caeiro doesn't believe in anything. He exists."
Poetry before Caeiro was essentially interpretative; what poets did was to offer an interpretation of their perceived surroundings; Caeiro does not do this. Instead, he attempts to communicate his senses, and his feelings, without any interpretation whatsoever.
Caeiro attempts to approach Nature from a qualitatively different mode of apprehension; that of simply perceiving (an approach akin to phenomenological approaches to philosophy). Poets before him would make use of intricate metaphors to describe what was before them; not so Caeiro: his self-appointed task is to bring these objects to the reader's attention, as directly and simply as possible. Caeiro sought a direct experience of the objects before him.
As such it is not surprising to find that Caeiro has been called an anti-intellectual, anti-Romantic, anti-subjectivist, anti-metaphysical...an anti-poet, by critics; Caeiro simply--is. He is in this sense very unlike his creator Fernando Pessoa: Pessoa was besieged by metaphysical uncertainties; these were, to a large extent, the cause of his unhappiness; not so Caeiro: his attitude is anti-metaphysical; he avoided uncertainties by adamantly clinging to a certainty: his belief that there is no meaning behind things. Things, for him, simply--are.
Caeiro represents a primal vision of reality, of things. He is the pagan incarnate. Indeed Caeiro, Richard Zenith tells us, was not simply a pagan but 'paganism itself'.
The critic Jane M. Sheets sees the insurgence of Caeiro--who was Pessoa's first major heteronym-- as essential in founding the later poetic personas: "By means of this artless yet affirmative anti-poet, Caeiro, a short-lived but vital member of his coterie, Pessoa acquired the base of an experienced and universal poetic vision. After Caeiro's tenets had been established, the avowedly poetic voices of Campos, Reis and Pessoa himself spoke with greater assurance."
What this means, and what makes Caeiro such an original poet is the way he apprehends existence. He does not question anything whatsoever; he calmly accepts the world as it is. The recurrent themes to be found in nearly all of Caeiro's poems are "wide-eyed child-like wonder at the infinite variety of nature", as noted by a critic. He is free of metaphysical entanglements. Central to his world-view is the idea that in the world around us, all is surface: things are precisely what they seem, there is no hidden meaning anywhere.
He manages thus to free himself from the anxieties that batter his peers; for Caeiro, things simply exist and we have no right to credit them with more than that. Our unhappiness, he tells us, springs from our unwillingness to limit our horizons. As such, Caeiro attains happiness by not questioning, and by thus avoiding doubts and uncertainties. He apprehends reality solely through his eyes, through his senses. What he teaches us is that if we want to be happy we ought to do the same. Octavio Paz called him "the innocent poet". Paz made a shrewd remark on the heteronyms: "In each are particles of negation or unreality. Reis believes in form, Campos in sensation, Pessoa in symbols. Caeiro doesn't believe in anything. He exists."
Poetry before Caeiro was essentially interpretative; what poets did was to offer an interpretation of their perceived surroundings; Caeiro does not do this. Instead, he attempts to communicate his senses, and his feelings, without any interpretation whatsoever.
Caeiro attempts to approach Nature from a qualitatively different mode of apprehension; that of simply perceiving (an approach akin to phenomenological approaches to philosophy). Poets before him would make use of intricate metaphors to describe what was before them; not so Caeiro: his self-appointed task is to bring these objects to the reader's attention, as directly and simply as possible. Caeiro sought a direct experience of the objects before him.
As such it is not surprising to find that Caeiro has been called an anti-intellectual, anti-Romantic, anti-subjectivist, anti-metaphysical...an anti-poet, by critics; Caeiro simply--is. He is in this sense very unlike his creator Fernando Pessoa: Pessoa was besieged by metaphysical uncertainties; these were, to a large extent, the cause of his unhappiness; not so Caeiro: his attitude is anti-metaphysical; he avoided uncertainties by adamantly clinging to a certainty: his belief that there is no meaning behind things. Things, for him, simply--are.
Caeiro represents a primal vision of reality, of things. He is the pagan incarnate. Indeed Caeiro, Richard Zenith tells us, was not simply a pagan but 'paganism itself'.
The critic Jane M. Sheets sees the insurgence of Caeiro--who was Pessoa's first major heteronym-- as essential in founding the later poetic personas: "By means of this artless yet affirmative anti-poet, Caeiro, a short-lived but vital member of his coterie, Pessoa acquired the base of an experienced and universal poetic vision. After Caeiro's tenets had been established, the avowedly poetic voices of Campos, Reis and Pessoa himself spoke with greater assurance."
sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2008
sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008
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